By Mads Skydt

Thursday, December 7, 2023 was an important day for ACI.

We held our December seminar on IT Risk quantification.

We were proud that more than 180 people had signed up for the seminar from more than 100 organizations across Europe.

We shared experiences from 5 years of working with IT-Risk quantification and then we presented our Quantitative Assessment Platform (qAp), which will be an important tool in our collaboration with our customers. We will train our clients to be able to build, report and explain important quantitative key figures from a tailered risk register.

You can watch the entire 2-hour webinar right here:

If you want to learn more about quantitative methods for cyber risk management and how they apply to your organizations, please get in touch with us at info@aci.dk.

Direct link to the video if the above embedded video doesn’t work on your device.

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