
Ask fewer and better questions – Right now!

Ask fewer and better questions – Right now!

In a previous article, When a robot gives better estimates than a human, Bo Thygesen from ACI describes how we use the LENS model to avoid human bias and have a “robot” estimate probability and loss for hundreds of systems better and faster than a human can do. How...

ISO 27005 Is Wrong About Quantitative Risk

ISO 27005 Is Wrong About Quantitative Risk

The International Standards Organization recently published an updated version of their guidance for information security risk management, but they have missed the mark entirely on quantitative methods. The ISO/IEC-27005 is one of the key standards published under the...

Identify your information assets in 5 steps

Identify your information assets in 5 steps

An important step in any IT risk management process is to clearly define the information assets in scope. But what is an information asset really? How can you best describe your important information assets? And why is it so important to spend time on establishing a...

NIS2 er vedtaget, hvad betyder det?

NIS2 er vedtaget, hvad betyder det?

NIS2 trådte den 16. januar 2023 i kraft. NIS2 (Network and Information Systems Directive) er et EU-direktiv, der har til formål at øge IT-sikkerheden i EU. Dette skal herefter implementeres i de 27 landes love, hvor disse skal træde i kraft senest den 17. oktober...

Nu var det lige så hyggeligt

Nu var det lige så hyggeligt

Verden er i forandring. De seneste år har mindet os om, at verden er farlig og foranderlig. Det er blevet den nye normal. Krig i Europa, klimakatastrofer, problemer med makroøkonomien og cyberangreb for blot at nævne nogle af de udfordringer, samfundet står over for....

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